
Showing posts from July, 2014


This is a beautiful flower.It colour is green,white purple and brown.

Maulana Mohammad ali Jauhar

Maulana Mohammad ali was born in1878 and belonged to a very respectable family of Rampur (U.P.India) He was just an infant when his father Abdul Ali passed away ,but his wise mother gave a through education to him and his two brothers at Aligarh.He distinguished himself  better in studies and in degree exmination topped the list of successful candidates from U.P.Afterwards Maulana Mohammad ali went to Britain,entered Oxford and finally returned home in 1902.                  After his return, he got a very high post in Baroda state. His independent temperament couid not reconcile with the atmosphere there and soon he had resign and left Baroda in 1910.                  He decided to become a journalist and tobe that he had to move to Calcutta the seat of the imperial Government. This was a serious departure especially for district officer who had not specia...